• Maine Public Radio


    1-2 pm Monday-Friday; Rebroadcast 7 pm M-F
    • Hosted by Jennifer Rooks, Keith Shortall, Cindy Han

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    While the coronavirus crisis is at its height, host 免费高匿代理ip地址 will lead conversations about how the spread of COVID-19 is affecting people throughout our region. Upcoming topics will include: answers to medical questions; how businesses are impacted by the crisis; childcare issues; how to deal with anxiety and uncertainty; what Maine towns are doing to cope; how faith leaders are addressing this emergency; what Maine's Congressional delegation is doing to help; and how colleges, professors and students are reacting to changes caused by the pandemic.

    Special thanks to The University of Maine at Augusta, Dead River Company, and Modern Pest Services for their support.



    • Call 1-800-399-3566
    • Email talk@mainepublic.org
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    • Leave a voicemail before the show at 207-370-3487


    Jul 31, 2020
    Robert F. Bukaty / Associated Press

    We discuss the top stories and issues in Maine from the month of July, including: the fatal shark attack;  protests over racial justice; the primary election; and tthe state's ongoing struggle to balance public health and economic health in the face of the pandemic. Also, Senator Angus King joins us for an update on national news, including stimulus aid.


    Jul 30, 2020
    Eric Gay / AP

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    The use of face coverings has become a polarizing issue in Maine and nationwide. Now, Gov. Mills has issued stricter guidelines for wearing masks in public places. We discuss the many charged issues involving mask-wearing: medical reasons, state guidelines and enforcement, political symbolism, psychological effects, reasons some cannot wear masks and more.


    Jul 29, 2020

    This show is part of our ongoing coverage of topics relating to Maine's bicentennial, and is the fourth in our series on the history of Maine.

    The years from World War I through World War II led to lasting changes in Maine. We'll learn about how the efforts of those on the homefront altered Maine's landscape and industries. We'll also talk about notable Maine leaders of that era, and what impacts the wars and those who fought in them had on Maine's future.



    In his latest nonfiction book, "Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act," Maine-based author and journalist Nicholson Baker examines the use and failings of the Freedom of Information Act and describes decades of hidden government misdeeds. Baker shares shocking stories of biological and chemical warfare, international deception, heroic journalists and lawyers who fought to uncover the truth. Because the book is written in memoir form, Baker also adds details about life in Maine along the way.


    Jul 27, 2020
    Bangor Daily News

    Secretary of State Matt Dunlap discusses the recent primary election, including how absentee ballots and ranked-choice voting worked out. We'll find out what is in store for the November election, including the debate over a CMP corridor ballot referendum. He'll also offer updates on how well the U.S. Census response has been among Mainers, and he'll answer your motor vehicle questions.


    Jul 24, 2020

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    According to a June 2020 state report, Maine’s 38 colleges and universities educate more than 72,600 students and employ more than 20,000 regular and student employees, generating $2.2 billion in annual revenue. The pandemic is forcing schools to alter their normal schedules and modes of instruction, as well as housing and use of campus space. We'll talk with leaders, educators and students from a range of Maine colleges and universities about what school will look like, how institutions will balance public health with financial health, and how people are reacting to the planned change. And we'll discuss the impact of college decisions on the Maine communities that surround them.


    Jul 22, 2020

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    Jul 21, 2020

    From the start of the pandemic, with people staying home, those who work in the performing arts have lost their audiences and, most often, their sources of income. From musicians to actors to dancers to theater staff, it has been a particularly trying time for this creative segment in Maine. We discuss how they are faring, and what ways some have found to pivot.

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    Jul 20, 2020

    All discussions about the end of the Covid-19 pandemic hinge on having a viable vaccine. We examine what it will take for this coveted vaccine to reach the stage where it can be widely administered, and can offer the necessary protection that will enable people worldwide to begin to return to normal life. We'll learn how research is progressing, how safety and efficacy will be tested, what it will take for the vaccine to be administered en masse, and how long it takes to be effective. And the big question: When can we expect all of this to happen?

    Summer Reads: Statewide READ ME Program Highlights Maine Authors; Summer Book Recommendations

    Jul 17, 2020
    Unsolicited Press / Macmillan

    如何使用代理服务器上网-月光博客:2021-1-16 · 什么是代理服务器 代理服务器(Proxy Server)是网上提供转接功能的服务器,在一般情况下,我们使用网络浏览器直接去连接其他Internet站点取得网络信息时,是直接联系到目的站点服务器,然后由目的站点服务器把信息传送回来。


    Jul 16, 2020

    Since the pandemic began, instances of domestic abuse have been on the rise, as those who are vulnerable face additional challenges. Not only are people confined at home more, increasing the likelihood of abuse, but shelters and support systems are harder to access due to COVID-19. We’ll talk with local experts about who is being affected and how they can access help. We’ll also hear about a new campaign in Maine to call attention to the prevalence of domestic violence.

    Frances Perkins: The Life and Legacy of FDR's Secretary of Labor & The Relevance of Her Work Today

    Jul 15, 2020

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    Face Coverings: How Has Mask-Wearing Become Polarizing & What Are Mainers' Attitudes Toward Masks?

    Jul 14, 2020
    Eric Gay / AP

    The use of face coverings has become a polarizing issue in Maine and nationwide. Now, Gov. Mills has issued stricter guidelines for wearing masks in public places. We discuss the many charged issues involving mask-wearing: medical reasons, state guidelines and enforcement, political symbolism, psychological effects, reasons some cannot wear masks and more.

    Coronavirus-Related Anxiety: Ways To Cope As More People Experience Anxiety & Depression

    Jul 13, 2020

    By some estimates, nearly half of all Americans say that COVID-19 pandemic has affected their mental health. The prevalence of anxiety has even given rise to the term “Covid Stress Syndrome.” Among the many reasons people are experiencing anxiety and depression: fears of getting the disease, social isolation, financial stress, uncertainty about the future and more. We’ll discuss the reasons adults and children are suffering from greater anxiety, and ways to cope with increased stress.


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